Soft Skills vs Hard Skills: From your Everyday Job to your Career Job
Soft skills are the skillsets that set you apart from other competition during the interview process. These skills generally are not taught by employers but are sought out by employers, be it for your everyday job or a career job. On the contrary, Hard Skills are generally technical skills taught by employers during or after the hiring process is over. Though there is an abundance of both soft skills and hard skills that people can have, there are specific soft skills that are most desirable by employers.
- Communication
- Collaboration
- Leadership
- Problem-solving
- Work ethic
- Interpersonal
- Teamwork
- Emotional intelligence
If you are worried that maybe you aren’t strong in one of these soft skills areas don’t worry, you CAN always improve your soft skills. Some specific things that you may be able to do in order to strengthen or develop your soft skills include:
- Student organizations at your school or institution
- Networking
- Reflecting on personal experiences
- Shadowing
- Taking on leadership roles in organizations or your community
You also develop soft skills as you gain more experience. Your everyday job while still in school is a great way to build your soft skills. MoreWithUs — Everyday Jobs at has launched the Youth Work Ethics & Soft Skills project in which young people talk about their experience with everyday jobs and the kinds of soft skills that help them out. Check them out at the MoreWithUs YouTube channel.